Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feb 23rd, Mt. Diablo State Park, Elevation 1760 Ft, 7.16 Miles, 2.32 Hrs, 1137 Kcal

This year our target is to hike to the summit of Mt. Diablo.  As part of that goal, we decided to tackle a moderate hike on Mt. Diablo. The drive to Mt. Diablo is very scenic. With the rains over the last few days, the hills had turned full lush green all around making it extremely beautiful. There were a few areas along the trail that were still wet and slushy to walk. For most part of our hike we didn't see a single hiker and nor any animals as we usually come across in other hikes. Although, we were compensated on the way back by a bald eagle and a baby green snake. We had decided that whenever we hike more than 7 miles, we would treat ourselves with a grand lunch & we kept our promise :). 4-5 weeks from now our goal is to reach the summit of Mt. Diablo. Stay tuned..

South Gate Rd- Curry point- Curry Canyon Trail- Frog Pond Trail and the same way back.
Difficulty: 6/10

A small  pond along the way

Long shot view of the summit

scenic view from one point
Valley view


on our way back
this creek had cut through the trail

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