Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb 10th, Mount Tamalpais State Park, total elevation 4,400Ft, 7.6Miles, 3Hr 27Min, 1400Kcal

What a Team!!! We started on our drive to Mount Tamalpais right after we finished our dance class. It was  our long held desire to hike the Stinson beach trails as we have heard from our wing leader that it's one of the most beautiful hikes. Some of us were sick for the past few days, still our persistence to do this on Sunday should definitely be applauded. This hike was a pretty strenuous as we did around 4.5 miles downhill first and then 3 mile uphill. The uphill was even more beautiful with the pleasant background music of waterfalls through out the redwood forest. There is no doubt that this trail used pretty much every muscle of our body.
While coming back we stopped at Viks at Berkeley and had a late lunch. After this hike should we still consider ourselves amateurs or pro's? I leave the decision to the readers!!

View from Dipsea Trail. Start of uphill hike


This ladder is designed different.The steps are just 3 in wide. 
Several places we had to watch our head
Matt Davis trail scenic view

Pantoll Ranger station - Matt Davis trail (4.5mi) - Stinson beach - Dipsea trail - Steep Ravine trail (3.0mi) loop
Difficulty level: 7/10

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