Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feb 16th, Del Valle Regional Park, Elevation 2050 Ft, 4.11 Miles, 1.40Hrs, 745Kcal,

It was a perfect day for a good hike and we didn't want to miss the opportunity. Some of my team members had prior commitments and early morning mishaps. In spite of that, we gathered after the dance class and drove to Del Valle Regional Park. The drive was beautiful with vineyards on either side of the road.  There were already several folks with their fishing rods around the lake. Even though distance wise it was not much there were some steep climbs that we had to do which exhausted us due to lack of any breeze and some of the highest temperatures we have seen this winter.

Del Valle Marina - Squirrel Gulch Trail  - Ridgeview Trail  - Eagle Crest Trail - Hetch Hetchey Trail - Del Valle Marina

Difficulty: 6/10

Lake view from above

Wild purple flowers

Trying to practice just learnt dance step

One of the steep climb.

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