Sunday, February 16, 2014

Stanislaus National Forest, Wawona Private Trail, 4 miles, 651 Kcal, 1hr 27min

Last week we couldn't hike due to rains. We were sure that we are going to miss last year Feb month target. This week it  was long weekend for most of us. All of us planned rented a beautiful domed house in Arnold for 3 nights. Saturday evening we played Badminton for 1.30 min and went for a 2 mile walk. We also had ate too much.... Our original plan was to go to Big Trees National forest on Sunday morning and do some catch up on hiking and bring up the numbers.  But we weren't able to do so because of last night rain. Instead of going to Big Trees forest we went on a private trail. The trail was very scenic , several water ponds here & there and slushy at several places. A few other new members joined with us on this hike.There were absolutely no signs, maps, directions as it's  a private trail. Anytime we came across multiple paths we left behind few markers (Orange peel!) so it's easier for us to know which direction to go back. Overall, did we justify all the eating we did the previous night by doing 4 mile hike?

Route: Stanislaus National Forest, Wawona Private Trail
Time: 1hr 27 min
Difficulty: 4/10

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