Saturday, February 22, 2014

MORGAN TERRITORY HIKE, Old Finley RD 6.5 miles, 2hr 19min, 1044 KCal

It was a perfect day for hike. This is the first time we went to this Trail after last years' fire incident. The target was 6 miles. I was a bit skeptical whether I could do this. Some hiking pals dropped last minute so I was hoping I can get away with less number of miles :) But guess what, we did 0.5 miles more than target :) and also maintained good pace throughout. Overall, we felt that we are ready for next week's big hike to Black Mountain. By the way, since we crossed 1000 Cal we are going to treat ourselves in the evening @VB.

Lonely hiker

Left is Mt Diablo and right is North peak
which we are going to hike soon

Sincere hikers:)

Time: 2hr 19 min
Difficulty: 5/10

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