Saturday, September 27, 2014

Elderburry , Cuesta Trail, 5.2 Miles, 2hr 30 min, 1023 KCal, 1920FT Elevation

This week with fewer turnout we were less enthusiastic of hiking. It's been a while since we did Bollinger Canyon Trail. It looks like I guess our new hiking members knew that it was  going to be a hard hike and skipped in the last minute :). While we were struggling to hike up the slope some of the folks were running all the way long. It looked so simple watching them but I can imagine the amount of hard work they put in to be that fit. Well, I feel happy at least now we started this activity and continuing so far. After we reached the summit on our way back decided to take a shorter route and took Cuesta Trail. Unfortunately it was a round about one that we picked and paid for choosing the short cut route. Since it was pleasant weather and breezy we were able to make it.

Route: Elderburry , Cuesta Trail
Time: 2.30 hr  
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Total Elevation:1920 Ft

The path to nowhere?

Our shadows guess who is who?

Offering prayers

Time to enjoy the beauty & pose for camera :)

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