Saturday, September 27, 2014

Elderburry , Cuesta Trail, 5.2 Miles, 2hr 30 min, 1023 KCal, 1920FT Elevation

This week with fewer turnout we were less enthusiastic of hiking. It's been a while since we did Bollinger Canyon Trail. It looks like I guess our new hiking members knew that it was  going to be a hard hike and skipped in the last minute :). While we were struggling to hike up the slope some of the folks were running all the way long. It looked so simple watching them but I can imagine the amount of hard work they put in to be that fit. Well, I feel happy at least now we started this activity and continuing so far. After we reached the summit on our way back decided to take a shorter route and took Cuesta Trail. Unfortunately it was a round about one that we picked and paid for choosing the short cut route. Since it was pleasant weather and breezy we were able to make it.

Route: Elderburry , Cuesta Trail
Time: 2.30 hr  
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Total Elevation:1920 Ft

The path to nowhere?

Our shadows guess who is who?

Offering prayers

Time to enjoy the beauty & pose for camera :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Finlay Road Oyster Point Trail, 5.2 Miles, 1hr 50 min, 833 Cal, 1390FT Elevation

We had maximum turnout today. It's encouraging that new members continue to come with us for hikes. Today some of us has prior appointments so we had to cut short our hike to around 5 miles. The weather was cloudy with early morning fog but was not chilly. We tried new snacks from Google from our hiking partner and also gave her list as what to bring next week :)

Route:Oyster Point Trail
Time: 1.50 hr  
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Total Elevation:1390 Ft

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Redwood Park, French Trail,Steam, Mill Trail, 5.5 Miles, 2 hrs 30 min, 1230 Cal. 1353 Ft Elevation

Today it was expected reach 100 degrees so decided to hike in a shaded park and headed to Redwood Park in Oakland. We had done one hike in this park in early May and it was spectacular around that time. With no rains and severe temperatures. I did not have much hope on the beauty of the surroundings but it was still worth it. This time we combined  a few trails, including the Stream trail which is along the creek but there wasn't even a drop of water to look at. May be it's time for Californians to sing a rain song as done in the Hindi move Lagaan. :). Much of the sections of the trail are shady but wherever it's not we felt it hard due to the heat. One good thing about this hike is it's constant up and downs so it gives a good, solid workout.

Route: French, Stream, Mill Trail and Prince Trail
Time: 2.30 hr  
Difficulty: 6.0/10
Total Elevation:1353 Ft

Almost end of the hike still smiling :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pleasanton Ridge Trail, 5.0 Miles, 2 hrs, 925 K cal, 1322 Ft Elevation

Last week we did not go hiking since majority of folks went camping. The folks from Europe trip felt it was a good reason to rest and settle down. We all managed to get up for an early morning hike but the dry weather, dusty trails and bone dry vegetation made for a not so pretty sight. Next we need to find a trail that is more pleasant.
Route: Pleasanton Ridge Trail
Time: 2 hr  
Total Elevation:1322 Ft

coming up a short cut route
Everyone watching him climb

Trying to take another short cut :)