Sunday, August 24, 2014

Morgan Territory Regional Park, 6.25 Miles, 2:30 hrs, 1100 K cal, 1700 Ft Elevation

After a 3 week European vacation , we got back to the dry, hot California weather. After the long break we found the hike to be pretty tough. We intended to do around 5 miles, but our troop leader tricked us into doing a 6.25 mi loop which thoroughly exhausted us. The last part of the trail was very narrow and overrun with tall dry grass. But the views were awesome.

Route: Black HillTrail
Time: 2.30 hr  
Difficulty: 6.5/10
Total Elevation:1700 Ft
Troupe posing for a photo

Golden grass on one side and greenery
 on other side

New Hikers excited to hike :)

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