Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sunol Regional Park, Indian Joe Creek Trail, Flag Hill Trail, 5.27 Miles, 2hr 10 min, 980 K cal, 1341 ft Elevation

We recovered from last week strenuous hike in Yosemite and now time to brag about this to other hiking members. So that's one reason we didn't want to skip this week hike :). This hike we did last year where we could see little Yosemite falls. But this year due to lack of rains there is hardly any water present. The views i Sunol trails are very good especially when all the hills are green with wildflowers blooming around. One thing I didn't like about hiking Sunol Trails is the park opens at 8.00 A.M unlike other parks which open much early. Most of trail is easy to hike except certain portions of Flag Hill Trail which is very steep and narrow.

RouteIndian Joe Creek Trail, Flag Hill Trail
Time: 2 hr 10 Min 
Difficulty: 4.5/10
Total Elevation:1341Ft

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