Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunol-Camp Ohlone Road,McCorkle Trail, 6.1 Miles, 1150Kcal, 2hr 30 min

After yesterday's down pour until late night the chances of going to hike was very bleak. Also we returned late from the Friday party which is another reason to skip hike this week, but we finally decided to go ahead. I tried to persuade few new members to join us for this week's hike. We reached the park by 7.30 A.M. but unfortunately park gates opened only at 8:00 A.M. It was a bit chilly and very cloudy. We were expecting to hike on wet muddy trails but it wasn't bad at all. Actually this trail is ideal during rainy season as you can see Little Yosemite falls and few creeks next to trail. It was very scenic all around. Some sections of the trail was covered with  Poppy flowers. Throughout the hike we didn't  get a glimpse of the sun. Kudos to new member on burning 1150 Kcal who deserves a 3 course lunch :)

Route: McCorkle Trail, Camp Ohlone Rd
Time: 2.30 hr 
Difficulty: 5.5/10

Clouds at very low level
Young hiker at W tree

One of the climb

2nd climb

On our descent

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