Saturday, August 10, 2013

Aug 10th, 2013, Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, Oyster Point Trail, Aug 10th 2013, 1200 K Cal, 2.30 Hr, 1500 Ft

Oh well, we continue to attract new folks coming in and most importantly continue with us. Today we went on new trail which can take us to the summit. This trail has some good & bad aspects. For the most part of the trail it's very shady so a good trail to go on hot days. The bad part is lots of poison oak  and trail is very narrow so at any time there is a good chance one would touch it. But you know what I guess we are all thick skinned and all of us came down with no issues, except that lots of  thorny seeds stuck to our pants. The trail was beautiful than usual because of the fall colors. After we reached half the way we took a few minutes break, recouped energy and trudged our way back.

Difficulty: 5/10
Time: 2 hrs 30 min

Crew resting for a moment

Early fall colors making it beautiful

May I help you :)

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