Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 28th, Mission Peak Trail (7mi,2530 ft)

We were charged up to take on this new challenge.Based on last week's experience with the hot weather we decided to leave early  by 6AM. Some of the members of our team dropped off this time considering the time it takes & difficulty level. So, I would say this time it was a couples only hike. I also tried as many ways as I could to avoid Mission Peak Trail but ended up going along.. Somehow I had a feeling that the Mission Peak Trail was not as scenic as Easy Bay Trails. But that's not the case. Even though for much of the hike there wasn't any shade we didn't feel the heat as we had started early. I had always heard though friends how popular this hike is & now I am convinced & motivated to do it one more time especially after seeing a 75 year old man hiking to the summit. The last stretch was a bit hard but we had no major issues in reaching the summit. We took 15 minutes break  to eat a light breakfast.

Time -2.50min
Difficulty - 7/10
Taking a shot
Beautiful wild flowers

Mission Peak from where we are
Scenic View
Trio enjoying the views

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