Saturday, January 15, 2022

Pinnacle National Park - Condor Gulch trail to High peaks trail 6.5 miles, 1600ft

Condor Gulch trail to High peaks trail 6.5 miles, 1600ft

This park is opened by Obama a few years back. It’s 2 hr drive one way. We started of early around 6.30am. By the time we reach the park it was 8.30am. In any places it was written that parking is not easy to get after 9 am or so. Considering it’s long weekend it’s a chance we took. The park ranger at the entrance said the parking lot most likely to be filled in. We anyway went ahead and luckily there few spots available. The hike moderately easy other than few sections where one need to climb giant steps and no room for any mistakes. The terrain and rock formations were so beautiful. Apparently this park is famous for rock climbing and we have seen many rock climbers in our hike. We could also spot few Condors. It was a nice getaway and was fun going into the caves.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Clouds rest Hike, Yosemite 14.5 Miles, 2k elevation gain from 8k to 9.9k, 9hr

 We have been planning to do this hike last 2 years but somehow or the other it was getting cancelled out. Due to COVID pandemic, we all have been working from home since mid Feb 2020. We haven't been able to do hiking for a few months as we were getting used to the situation. During August month onwards, we started going for moderate 5-7mile hike with some amount of difficulty. It definitely showed us we were out of shape in no time. One fine day we decided to get out and finish our yearly ritual of going to Yosemite. All of us are too euphoric as we were going out after 8 months (WOW!!). We loaded the van as if we were taking days and days of vacation :). We stayed in Pine mountain valley and woke up 4.30am in the morning and started driving at 5.30am. We did not realize it was damn dark and can barely see anything. We started the hike at 8am. Most of it was uphill but the crew went with lot of jubilation. It didn't feel that we were hiking some steep uphills. Of course, when someone in the crew takes a picture of us we gain energy. We reached the top as expected and guess what we changed to Indian dresses and had a photo shoot on the top. The 360 views from top are spectacular and felt so accomplished. While coming down we realized how much we climbed :(.  We celebrated the night with Pizza and Beer from family owned brewery in Pine mountain valley.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

W-Trek Patagonia

A much awaited hiking trip that we the original hiking team wanted to do. Unfortunately, after all the preparations were made due to personal emergency issues in the family Sridhar couldn't make it. However, was able to convince Sanjana to join us for the hike. It was a great mom-daughter bonding.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Death Valley & Mobius Arch loop Trails

On our way back to Lone Pine. Sridhar stopped and captured.

Click from car on our way to Death valley
Jump @Badwater Basin, Death Valley

Artist point, Death valley

Sunset at Dante's poimt, Death valley
Mt Whitney from Mobius Arch, Alabama Hills

Mobius Arch loop trail