Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mt Tamalpais - Fern Canyon Road - Temalpa Trail to the top and Miller Trail,Hoo e Koo Koo Trail to the bottom. - 7.1 miles, 5 hours, 2110 kcal, 2571 ft

Mt Tamalpais -East Peak

Planned a long hike after a 6 week vacation and before saying good-bye to Tacoma truck the so called 'Tatha Rao'.  We have so many memories going to long hikes, remote places, rides to Yosemite annual hikes, what not. So we wanted to give a respectable send off :). The trail was not that strenuous even though it was a constant uphill pretty much all the way to the summit. But the hot, still weather made the hike very strenuous and tiresome. While we did hike through a few redwood groves, rest of the hike was on open trails and by noon hot air was rising up from the ground. We came across quite a few who had driven up to the summit in their cars, but very few who actually hiked their way to the top.

Time: 5 hr  
Difficulty: 7/10