Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, Old Finley Road Trail, 6.72 mi, 2 hrs 45 min

Old Finley Road Trail, 6.72 mi, 1600 ft elevation, 1400 Kcal, 2 hr 45 min

Time -2.45

Difficulty -4/10

This was a very relaxed hike, We came across deer, turkeys and llamas while driving to the hike, which set us in a good mood for the hike. The weather was very pleasant, with fog still hugging the hill tops. 
We set a quick pace with a goal to return back before the sun became too harsh. It was an unventful hike and we turned back less than a half mile from the other end of the park on Morgan Territory Road with the promise to do it another day. The trail seems to have been recently tended to and allowed us to take fewer breaks.

Las Trampas Regional Preserve, 4.9 mi, 1100kcal, 3 hrs

Las Trampas, Las trampas trail, 1930 ft elevation, 1100 Kcal, 4.90 mi, 3 hr 

Time -3 hrs 

Difficulty - 5/10

This was a route we had done previously and had always managed to lose our way. This time, we were able navigate the loop successfully. The trails were super dry and navigating some of the steeper downhill portion was especially tricky due to loose rocks and dust. Went through a couple of canyons, so involved alternate uphill and downhill sections through the entire route.  We had two new members join us for the hike. Not sure if they will return:)