Saturday, October 4, 2014

Martin Canyon Trail, 5 miles, 1040 Kcal, 2 hr 20 min, Elevation 1062 Ft

The weather forecast was very hot in upper 90's. This is insane weather to expect in the first week of October. So we had to look for trail that would provide shade. The chances of hiking 200 miles this year look bleak.  We had good turnout of hikers for today's hike and we were back on track. More importantly we got the goodies which we missed last week. After we reached the summit one side there is beautiful rocks formation. There was a narrow path leading to it so we ventured to go there and look at the view. The others hiked in different direction and crossed few more hills. As usual, this time the ladies posed at the summit.

Route: Martin Canyon Trail
Time2.20 hr 
Difficulty: 4/10