Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sept 1st, Sherman Tree Trail & Moro Rock Trail, Sequoia National Park, 1.6 Miles, around 350 steps

 For Labor Day weekend we rented a vacation home close to Sequoia National Park.  Last year when we had visited Sequoia Park we had planned to hike climb Moro Rock but had to cancel since the trail was closed due to bad weather and snow.  Our zeal to climb up further increased and we had to to do it this time around. The climb wasn't too hard, climbing around 350 steps & throughout the hike we had spectacular views of the valley and surrounding mountains.

Route: Sherman Tree Trail, Moro Rock Trail.
Time3 hrs

Panoramic view from the top of Moro Rock

On our way to Sherman Tree
Photo time :)

View from one point on the way to Moro rock

There were hundreds of people climbing up

The team who reached first

तेरे लिए हम गीत ??

At times there were very narrow paths

On our way down